OpenRep Synopsis Pro 順勢療法專業軟件
the Single Vital Homeopathic Software for Professionals
Our recommended homeopathic software for professional use is OpenRep Synopsis Pro. It has the accurate modern English translation (Polony & Weaver 2011) of the most accurate repertory and endorsed by Hahnemann: Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book (1846), and the most reliable materia medicas of all time (Hahnemann, Allen, Clarke, and Hering), within its vast classic homeopathic literature collection including 16 repertories, 109 materia medicas, 75 books.
OpenRep SYNOPSIS Free is a limited Free edition of the OpenRep SYNOPSIS Pro that allows you to try all the features and functionality of OpenRep SYNOPSIS, but its content is limited to a handful of repertories and materia medicas, and it does not include the definitive P&W translation (2011) of the Therapeutic Pocket Book (1846).
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Asia distributor: Hong Kong Academy of Homeopathy
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Full List of Books:
Boenninghausen, C.M.: Boenninghausen's Repertory (1891, Allen)
Boericke, Dewey: The Repertory of 12 Tissure Remedies of Schussler
Boericke, Oscar: The Homoeopathic Repertory
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: Boenninghausen's Repertory (1937)
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: General Analysis
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: Synoptic Key
Gibson, Miller: Remedy Relations
Kent, James Tyler: Homeopathic Repertory
Kimball, Samuel A.: A Repertory of Gonorrhoea
Knerr, Calvin: Repertory to the Guiding Symptoms
Nash, E. B.: Regional Leaders
Polony, Weaver: P&W 2011 Edition of Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook
Polony, Weaver: P&W 2011 Edition of Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook (German)
Polony, Weaver: P&W 2011 Edition of Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook (Spanish)
Polony, Vladimir: Repertorium Publicum
Polony, Vladimir: Repertorium of Bach Flower Remedies
Roberts, Herbert: Sensations as if
Santee, E.M.: The Repertory of Convulsions
Materia Medicas
Allen, Henry Clay: The dynamic element of the remedy
Allen, Henry Clay: Keynotes And Characteristics With Comparisons of some of the Leading Remedies of the Materia Medica
Allen, Henry Clay: Notes on Sepia
Allen, Henry Clay: Tabacum: Some guiding symptoms
Allen, Henry Clay: Pyrogen - A Clinical Case
Allen, Timothy Field: The Handbook of Materia Medica
Allen, Timothy Field: The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica
Arndt, Rudolph: The First Lessons in Symptomatology of Leading Homeopathic Remedies
Barker, Ellis: Beautiful Skin and Complexion
Barker, Ellis: The Persistent Abscess
Barker, Ellis: How They Keep Homoeopathy Alive
Barker, Ellis: Aluminium and Health
Barker, Ellis: How to Cure Carbuncles
Barker, Ellis: Bad Feet
Barker, Ellis: Garlic as a Remedy
Barker, Ellis: A Proving of Grapefruit
Barker, Ellis: The Doctor as a Detective
Barker, Ellis: You Can Save Lives
Barker, Ellis: Homoeopathy and Longevity
Barker, Ellis: Two Natrium Muriaticum Cases
Berridge, Edward: Clinical Cases - Berridge
Berridge, Edward: Is There anything in Sulphur DM?
Berridge, Edward: A Hahnemannian Cure
Berridge, Edward: Case of Gravel
Berridge, Edwin: The Proving of Medorrhinum
Boenninghausen, C. M.: Boenninghausen's Lesser Writings
Boenninghausen, C. M.: The Choice of the Remedy
Boericke, William: The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schussler
Boericke, William: The 12 Tissue Remedies of Schussler (Clinical Cases)
Boericke, William: Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica, 9th ed.
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: The Boenninghausen's Characteristics
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: A Proving of Samarskite
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: A Synoptic Key of Materia Medica
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: Studies in the Philosophy of Healing
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: Convallaria Majalis
Boger, Cyrus Maxwell: Sabadilla - Boger
Bradford, Thomas Lindsley: The Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Hahnemann
Buck, Henry: The Outlines of Materia Medica
Burnett, James Compton: The cures with common table salt
Clarke, John Henry: Gunpowder as a War Remedy
Clarke, John Henry: Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery: Homoeopathic Prevention and Cure
Clarke, John Henry: Constitutional Medicine - With special reference to The Three Constitutions of Dr Von Grauvogl
Clarke, John Henry: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica
Clarke, John Henry: Radium as an Internal Remedy
Clarke, John Henry: Rheumatism and Sciatica
Clarke, Gladstone: Decachords
Close, Stuart: Homoeopathy in Terminal Conditions and Apparently Incurable Diseases: Is it sufficient?
Close, Stuart: The Scope of Homeopathy
Cowperthwaite, Allen Corson: A Textbook of Materia Medica
Dewey, Willis: Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics
Douglass, Eugene Melford: Pearls in Homeopathy
Dunham, Carroll: Lectures on Materia Medica
Farrington, Ernest: Do Medicines Make Functional Changes?
Farrington, Ernest: Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica
Guernsey, Henry/td>: Keynotes of Materia Medica
Kent, John Tyler: Proving Of Cenchris Contortrix
Kent, John Tyler: Action Of Drugs As Opposed By Vital Force
Kent, John Tyler: Higher Use of Primary Branches in Medical Education
Kent, John Tyler: How I Became A Homoeopath
Kent, John Tyler: Remedies Related to Pathological Tissue Changes
Kent, John Tyler: How To Ensure Easy Death
Kent, John Tyler: Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy
Kent, John Tyler: Management of Displacement without Mechanical Support
Kent, John Tyler: Lycopodium Clavatum
Kent, John Tyler: Homoeopathy: Its Fundamental Principles Outlined
Kent, John Tyler: The Development and Formation of the Repertory
Kent, John Tyler: Natrum Sulphuricum in Symptoms Arising After an Injury to the Head
Kent, John Tyler: Nitricum Acidum
Kent, John Tyler: A Lecture on Nitricum Acidum
Kent, John Tyler: Zincum Metallicum
Kent, John Tyler: Sabadilla - Kent
Kent, John Tyler: The Second Prescription
Knerr, Calvin: Ignatia
Knerr, Calvin: Some Unknown Facets and Writing of Constantine Hering
Lippe, Adolph: Cholera cured by Phosphorus
Lippe, Adolph: Cholera Infantum
Lippe, Adolph: Clinical Reflections
Lippe, Adolph: Keynotes of the Homeopathic Materia Medica
Lippe, Adolph: Drug Proving
Lippe, Adolph: Rhus Toxicodendron
Hahnemann, Samuel: The Chronic Diseases
Hahnemann, Samuel: Organon of Medicine
Hahnemann, Samuel: Materia Medica Pura
Hering, Constantine: The Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica
Hering, Constantine: Sanguinaria Canadensis
Hughes, Richard: A Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy
Miller, Robert Gibson: Hot and Cold Remedies
Nash, Eugene: Clinical Cases
Paterson, John: The Bowel Nosodes
Phatak, S. R.: Concise Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines
Polony, Vladimir: A Guide to Bach flower Remedies
Tyler, Margaret: Alumina
Tyler, Margaret: Asafoetida
Tyler, Margaret: Calcarea Carbonica
Tyler, Margaret: Miniature Repertory of these Remedies of the Common Cold
Tyler, Margaret: Glonoine
Tyler, Margaret: Kalium Bichromicum
Tyler, Margaret: Kreosotum
Tyler, Margaret: Lac Caninum
Tyler, Margaret: Mezereum
Tyler, Margaret: Drosera
Tyler, Margaret: Morbillinum
Tyler, Margaret: Ocimum Canum
Tyler, Margaret: Phosphoricum Acidum
Tyler, Margaret: Phosphorus
Wheeler, Charles Edwin: An Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy
Yingling, William: The Accoucheurs Emergency Manual
Yingling, William: Materia Medica Study
Yingling, William: The Single Dose
Archive of Books
1753, Anthony Addington: An Essay on the Sea-Scurvy
1892, Timothy Field Allen: A Primer of Materia Medica
1863, C. von Bönninghausen: Aphorismen des Hippokrates
1873, C. von Bönninghausen: Homoeopathic Therapeia of Intermittent and Other Fevers
1853, C. von Bönninghausen: Der homöopatische Hausarzt
1834, C. von Bönninghausen: Die Homöopathie, ein Lesebuch für das gebildete, nicht-ärztliche Publikum
1845, C. von Bönninghausen: The Homoeopathic Treatment of Intermittent Fevers
1860, C. von Bönninghausen: Die homöopatische Behandlung des Keuchhustens
1908, C.M. Boenninghausen: Lesser Writings
1832, C. von Bönninghausen: Systematisch Alphabetisches Repertorium der Antipsorischen Arzneimittel
1835, C. von Bönninghausen: Systematisch Alphabetisches Repertorium der nicht-Antipsorischen Arzneimittel
1846, C. von Bönninghausen: Therapeutic Pocketbook
1847, C. von Bönninghausen: Therapeutic Pocket-Book for Homoeopathic Physicians (Hempel)
1847, J. Laurie: Manual of Homoeopathic Therapeutics
1846, C. von Bönninghausen: Manuel de Therapeutique Homoeopathique
1836, C. von Bönninghausen: Versuch über die Verwandschaften der homöopatischen Arzneien
1833, C. von Bönninghausen: Versuch einer homöopathischen Therapie der Wechselfieber
1864, C. von Bönninghausen: Versuch einer homöopathischen Therapie der Wechsel und anderer Fieber
1906, J.C.F. Brandt: Der homöopatische Haus- und Selbstarzt
1896, Leon Brasol: Samuel Hahnemann - A Sketch of his Life and Career
1843, J.J. Drysdale: The British Journal of Homoeopathy (Volume 1)
1901, M.E. Douglass: Characteristics of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica
1900, John Henry Clarke: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (Volume 1)
1902, John Henry Clarke: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (Volume 2)
1902, John Henry Clarke: A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (Volume 3)
1904, John Henry Clarke: Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica
1860, Michel Granier: Conferences upon Homoeopathy
1773, J.K. Crellin: William Cullen - His Calibre as an Teacher
1837, P. Curie: Principles of Homoeopathy
1839, P.F. Curie: Domestic Homoepathy
1863, 1863: The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science (Volume 35)
1891, E.P. Anshutz: Homoeopathic Envoy (Volume 1-5)
1843, J.T. Curtis, J. Lilie: Epitome of Homoeopathic Practice
1901, J.C. Fahnestock: A Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
1852, C. Fischer: Biographical Monument to the Memory of Samuel Hahnemann
1904, Samuel Hahnemann: The Chronic Diseases (Volume 1)
1805, Samuel Hahnemann: Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (Volume 1)
1805, Samuel Hahnemann: Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (Volume 2)
1824, Samuel Hahnemann: Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (Neapoli)
1834, Samuel Hahnemann: Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (Quin)
1852, R.E. Dudgeon: The Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemannt
1874, Robert J. McClatchey: Hahnemannian Monthly (9th Volume)
1913, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of Medicine (1st Edition)
1824, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon der Heilkunst (3)
1843, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of Medicine (3rd Edition)
1833, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of Medicine (4th Edition)
1901, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of Medicine (5th Edition)
1849, Samuel Hahnemann: Organon of Medicine (6th Edition)
1827, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 6)
1826, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 5)
1825, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 3)
1830, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 1)
1825, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 4)
1824, Samuel Hahnemann: Reine Arzneimittellehre (Volume 2)
1840, Samuel Hahnemann: Volks-Heillehre
1867, Charles J. Hempel: A Lecture on Homoeopathy
1854, Charles J. Hempel: Organon of Specific Homoeopathy
1874, Charles J. Hempel: The Science of Homoeopathy
1877, Constantine Hering: Condensed Materia Medica
1889, Various: Repertory to Hering's Condensed Materia Medica
1891, John Henry Clarke: Homeopathic World (Volume 26)
1919, James Tyler Kent: Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy
1879, James Tyler Kent: Sexual Neuroses
1841, G.H.G. Jahr: Manual of Homoeopathic Medicine
1912, J.B.S. King: The Medical Advance (40th Volume)
1882, A.L. Monroe: Method of Memorizing the Materia Medica
1851, Constantine Hering: North American Homoeopathic Journal (Volume 1)
1886, J.P. Sutherland: New England Medical Gazette
1922, Benjamin Woodbury: Homoeopathic Materia Medica for Nurses
1882, J.W. Dowling: Old-School Medicine and Homoeopathy
1842, G.H.G. Jahr: New Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia and Posology
1855, J.P. Tessier: Homoeopathic Tratment of Pneumonia
1850, B.F. Joslin: Principles of Homoeopathy
1854, Alphonse Teste: The Homoeopathic Materia Medica
1800, A. Philips Wilson: A Treatis on Febrile Diseases (2nd Volume)
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