OpenRep Synopsis User Manual
1. Download and Install the Programme
1.1 Synopsis OpenRep Professional is the recommended software. (Basic and Complete versions are no longer available)
1.2 Windows:
Download here:
2. Run the program, Request New License
2.1 You shall see the “Polony, Repertorium Publicum (1.0)” (free) is functional, but not “P&W Edition Therapeutic Pocket Book”.
2.2 On the menu, click | File | Request New License |
2.3 Enter your name, email, address,
2.4 Copy and paste the codes and
2.5 Email to <> with the codes in the mail content to request a License. Please c.c., and you can mention that you have / shall pay HK Academy of Homeopathy.
3. Wait for the License.
Usually responded within 2 days (Windows).
4. Run the programme,
On the menu, select | File | Request new license | Enter license, and enter the license codes from the email.
User Manual and Shortcut Keys
All the basic functionality of OpenRep SYNOPSIS can be accessed either by left-clicking or right-clicking an item with the mouse. All the dialogues can be displayed enabled as Always On Top or not by clicking the "Green Pin" button.
The font sizes can be changed in any text component by clicking the component and pressing the ALT+UP to increase the font size or ALT+DOWN to decrease it.
Keyboard shortcuts
ALT+N creates a new case
CTRL+S saves the current case
CTRL+X closes OpenRep SYNOPSIS
CTRL+Z undo an operation in repertorization
CTRL+Y redo an operation in repertorization
F4 add symptom to repertorization
F5 delete symptom from repertorization
CTRL+W add symptom to repertory
CTRL+D delete symptom from repertory
CTRL+E edit symptom name
CTRL+R edit remedies in the symptom
ALT+R replace text in symptoms
CTRL+Z undo an operation in repertorization
ALT+1 set symptom grade as 1
ALT+2 set symptom grade as 2
ALT+3 set symptom grade as 3
ALT+4 set symptom grade as 4
ALT+5 set symptom grade as 5
F7 merge / unmerge symptoms in repertorization
F3 explore a rubric
F7 merge / unmerge symptoms in repertorization
CTRL+1 display repertorization desktop 1
CTRL+2 display repertorization desktop 2
CTRL+3 display repertorization desktop 3
CTRL+4 display repertorization desktop 4
CTRL+5 display repertorization desktop 5
ALT+C add comments to a symptom
ALT+PG_UP Display previous search result
ALT+PG_DOWN Display next search result
ALT+BACKSPACE Reset search results
CTRL+F1 Display dictionary
F9 Repertorizes the case
CTRL+F9 Display the detailed repertorization results
Further help: