黃偉德 Arden Wong
香港執業自然療法醫師,專攻順勢療法、花藥治療,熱衷研究東西方醫療養生文化,一九九一年畢業於香港中文大學逸夫書院/工商管理學院,曾任職香港多間自然療法中心及健康食品店,九七年取得香港大學之傳統中醫藥進修證書、後遠赴澳洲,二零零一年於澳洲自然及傳統醫學學院 (Nature Care College) 完成三年全日制課程,取得古典順勢療法專業文憑,畢業時獲得 「順勢療法傑出獎」(Excellence for Homeopathy Award / Warren Brauer Memorial Prize for Excellence in Naturopathy),後再取得澳洲新英倫大學健康科學學士,多年來持續研究,並於二零一六年取得 Licentiate, Institute for Homeopathic Medicine 資格。
黃偉德是華人社會中,少數曾接受專業理論及臨床訓練的順勢療法醫師,主要採用以Hahnemann & Boenninghausen 理論及方法,強調用傳統直接觀察、瞭解病患者,處方順勢療劑以調和身心整體。二零一四年,更創辦立了【醫道學堂】(Hong Kong Academy of Homeopathy), 推動華人地區的順勢醫學教育、研究、出版。
他亦是首位開辦貝曲花藥課程的導師 (1996年,與利國棟於香港中文大學校外進修學院合講),後於2002年於台灣推出作首部中文的的花藥療法作品 《因為花藥,我學會了愛》,並於台灣首辦花藥應用課程,致力把貝曲花藥推廣到大眾去。
自一九九四年始, 曾為《香港經濟日報》、《明報》、《醫.藥.人》、《健康創富》、《姊妹》、《香港電視》、《主場新聞》、台灣《自然風》、馬來西亞《大家健康》等多份報刊、雜誌撰寫專欄。
黃偉德兩部著作:《吃的自然的吃》是市面鮮見的綜合東、西方營養學的中文普及讀物 ,而《因為花藥,我學會了愛》介紹貝曲花藥的實際應用,兩者皆由台灣自然風文化事業出版。近十多年來,為英國HealingHerbs 貝曲花藥國際証書課程香港區代理人及首席導師。
【特點】 一、主要採用順勢療法、花藥療法,故非常安全、溫和、容易服用,大朋友感方便,小朋友覺好吃,孕婦應用很安全。 二、強調整體身、心、靈的整體治療。 三、樂意配合、支援您所會採用的其他中、西、自然療法。
【您預備】 一、您以前看過的其他醫師、治療師的診斷、報告、處方一併帶來。 二、如果求診者為幼兒或不懂自行表達,請由瞭解其生活、作息、情緒、病史的照顧者陪同。 三、敞開的心
費用 初診(長期病、慢性病): HK$1,300 (約一小時,包含一至三星期的順勢療劑) 初診(急病):HK$800 (約半小時,包含一至兩星期的順勢療劑) 標準覆診:HK$500 (10-20分鐘,包含一至兩星期的順勢療劑) 延長覆診:HK$800 (約30分鐘 / HK$1,300 (約一小時) / HK$2,600(約兩小時) (包含一至四星期的順勢療劑)
諮詢費用包括順勢療劑等。如需較長時間的順勢療劑,將酌量加費。 如需要其他草藥、母酊劑、治療食物、營養補充劑、檢測,費用另計。 本中心只接受現金、易辦事、支票,不設信用咭。
電話: (852) 2815 9900 電郵: info@gentlemedicine.info
【更改或取消預約】 為能更有效安排時間給有需要的病人,如欲更改或取消預約時間,請儘早提出,你可以用以下方法,通知我們: 電話:2815 9900 (如無人接聽,請即留言) 電郵:info@gentlemedicine.info
取消預約或短時間通知更改,或將會有徵收以下費用: 如於預約時間前的四小時內取消或更改,收取全費。 如有預約時間前的十二時內取消或更改,收取半費。 此項費用將於預約下次見面時先行支付。
【地點】 上環禧利街27號富輝商業中心2203室 地圖
Arden Wong
Arden is a practitioner of natural medicine specializing in classical homeopathy based in Hong Kong.
His practice is mainly Hahnemannian homeopathy – individualized prescription, minimum dose, single remedy – which is proven to be gentle enough for people of all age, rapid and effective for women and men of all ages for the treatment of acute and chronic ailments of the modern day.
Arden holds a degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Certificate of Traditional Chinese Medicine (University of Hong Kong), Diploma of Classical Homeopathy (Nature Care College, Sydney, Australia), Bachelor of Health Science (University of New England, Australia), and Licentiate of Institute for Homeopathic Medicine). He has been in full time practice since 2002.
He is the author of two Chinese books titled ‘Eat Well Eat Natural Wholefood’ and ‘Flower Essences: Healers for the Soul’. He is currently working on books in homeopathy.
Arden founded Hong Kong Academy of Homeopathy in 2014 to promote the education, research and publication of Hahnemannian homeopathy.
Arden is a life-time student of the healing arts of the Orient and the West and always passionately devoted to helping people to reduce their sufferings and live their full potential.
Consultation Fee
Initial Consultation (chronic complaints): HK$1,300 (about 1 hr) Initial (acute complaints): HK$800 /30min Standard follow-up: HK$500 for 10-20 min. Extended follow-up: HK$800/30min. HK$1,300/1hr. HK$2,600/2hr.
Homeopathic remedy / flower remedy dosage bottle is included.
Payment by cash, cheque, and EPS are accepted. No credit card facilities.
Careful and precise history and details of your health compliant is crucial for our accurate prescription and treatment.
It’ll be helpful to bring along details about your recent diagnosis and treatments, if any, for example:
pathology findings, X-ray, ultra sound
psychological assessments
allergy tests (IgE, IgG, etc)
bioenergetic tests (EAV, quantum, etc)
conventional medications
nutritional or herbal supplements, Chinese medicine, homeopathic remedies
any other treatment history
The most important thing is to reflect on what bothers you most as a person and be ready to talk about it.
Children and Infants Should be accompanied by someone who knows him / her well about the diet, lifestyle, sleep, habits, etc. and all the symptoms -physical, emotional, mental and behavioural, since contracting the disease.