Gary Weaver
Gary Weaver M.D., D.O., D.Hom.Med. began his studies in Homoeopathy in 1979 training in England and India.
In 1987 he became the co-founder of the Manchester College of Classical Homoeopathy and in 1989 founded the Leeds College of Classical Homoeopathy.
In 1990 he founded the Institute for Homoeopathic Medicine in Dublin, Ireland.
In 1990 he opened the Kuopio Homoeopathic Education and Research Association in Finland. Since 2003 he conducted research into the original repertory of Boenninghausen and was later co-director of OpenRep designing homoeopathic software and translated the Therapeutic Pocket Book (1846) into accurate modern English.
Gary Weaver has over three decades of clinical and teaching experiences in England, Ireland, Finland, Spain, Australia, India, US, and Hong Kong.
More about Gary Weaver and his Institute for Homoeopathic Medicine.