2018年4月29日4 分鐘



The benefits of measles


順勢療劑典籍上,是有的,名叫 Moxxxxx,印象中我的藥櫃是有的,但連日翻箱倒篋竟也找不到,問了多位本地順勢療法醫師診所才終於購得。但我仍猶疑著要否賣這個療劑,於是請教了有三十年經驗的資深順勢療法醫生,他拋下了一句:


我的藥櫃中,是有一組幾十種的順勢防疫療劑的 (只是剛才發現其中標籤有點不清楚,不肯定哪瓶是麻疹的),但開業十六年來,只賣過一組給指定需要的自然療法醫師朋友,我從沒有推廣、銷售過任何人。 順勢防疫療劑的歷史證據,二百年前赫尼曼已有;二十多年前開始,澳洲有數千人病人的大型研究印證;前幾年,古巴也有海嘯後出現疫症,當地政府派發了近百萬劑順勢防疫療劑,(當地政府貧窮,沒法負擔常規藥物防疫),然後對照鄰近城市,發現療劑有極佳防疫效果防疫;

但,我要否用順勢防疫療劑,去預防麻疹呢? 應否利用病者的恐懼去售賣療劑給她嗎? Fear mongering is not me.






#我都係唔賣了 #你講得出療劑全名我再考慮

#疫苗 #順勢防疫療劑 #大家自己決定


#疫苗出現前 #麻疹死亡率已下降了百分了九十九


山姆 赫尼曼醫生 (Samuel Hahnemann, "The Organon of Medicine"):


所以,一個長期疱疹的病人,感染了麻疹後,前者會立即、完全、永久地療癒了,按著順治法則,這是葛特醫生的觀察。六年的紅色粟粒疹(痱子),長滿喉、臉、手臂,感到強烈燒灼,每當天氣轉變就加劇。但當感染麻並爆發出來後,原來紅色粟粒疹立消退成輕微紅腫,當麻疹消退後,紅色粟粒疹也永久痊癒了。 」 (赫尼曼《醫藥原理》,第四十六節)

蘇珊 克富利 醫生 (Dr Suzanne Humphries):




Samuel Hahnamann MD on the benefits of naturally infected measles:

  • "But when measles meets a disease that is similar to it in its main symptom – the eruption – it will undeniably destroy and cure it homoeopathically.

  • Thus a chronic herpetic eruption was cured (homoeopathically) promptly, completely, and permanently by and eruption of measles, as Kortum observes.

  • A six-year-old miliary eruption on the throat, face, and arms, with extreme burning, which was aggravated whenever the weather changed, was reduced to a simple swelling of the skin when measles broke out; and after the measles it was cured, never to return. " (The Organon, Aphorism 46)

  • ".... we can point to beautiful homoeopathic cures from the fortunate encounter of similar diseases, so many eloquent proofs of the one great natural law of healing which rules in them: Cure by means of symptom similarity." (op. cit., Aphorism 50)

Suzanne Humphries MD on benefits of measles:

  • "Dr. Peter Aaby et al. and his team found that children who survived natural measles had a much higher survival rate from all other infectious causes than other children. Children who had the measles vaccine, had a lower rate of survival and the worst group in terms of overall survival from infections, was the group which had neither measles vaccines nor measles disease. That’s published research.¹

  • "The reports that reflect cases of nephrotic syndrome, and untampered measles infection, with limited or no radical treatment of the nephrosis, had the most long-lasting and dramatic recoveries.

  • "One case of interest appeared in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood in 1978. It was a reflection upon a boy who developed nephrosis 60 years prior. He was not given any drugs and had a full and life-long recovery.

  • "Msaouel et al. in 2009 conducted clinical testing of engineered oncolytic measles virus strains in the treatment of cancer. They note in their comprehensive report that previous vaccination against measles will negate the antitumor effect of the viral therapy.

  • "The majority of cancer patients who are candidates for measles-based therapeutics are immune to the virus as a result of natural infection or vaccination. Immunity could have a negative impact on the therapeutic efficacy.10

  • "Which leads one to ask, why not just let wild measles circulate and do the job nature intended at the time of life it was intended, which leads to 65 years of immunity and no need for life-span vaccination? And, as per Albonico11, probably reduces the chance of developing cancer during later life.

  • "Natural measles infection, when managed properly with vitamin A and C and good nutrition is not a deadly entity. Mortality for the disease in developed countries was down by over 99% before the vaccine was invented. The first vaccines led to a terrible form of measles called atypical measles. Today’s vaccines are also a source of many diseases. Populations that are 100% vaccinated12 are still susceptible to measles because the vaccine provides a weak and dangerous shield against the disease."
